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BLOG | “A Close Neighbor Is Better Than a Distant Relative” - Belt and Road Initiative: Are We Closer After 10 Years?
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25. 1. 2023 at 12:35
In 2013, the Chinese president introduced the New Silk Road project, also known as the Belt and Road Initiative. It was to connect China with countries in Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe and maritime regions with the purpose to coordinate policies and link infrastructure. However, the initiative, and especially China's role in it, raises many questions and doubts. What is its future? This is what our intern Šárka Váchalová discusses in her blog.

In a Time of Changing Geopolitical Landscape, should the EU re-evaluate its approach to China?
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10. 12. 2018 at 11:25
Shang-Yen Lee analyzes the EU approach towards China through the lenses of FDIs to its members states.