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BLOG: Overcoming naivety: the protection of the rule of law in a post-pandemic Union
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19. 8. 2021 at 11:10
Rose Hartwig-Peillon writes in her blog about the protection of the rule of law in the post-pandemic Union.

Checkpoint: A Danish recipe for coping with a pandemic: people trust the government, it trusts them
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5. 2. 2021 at 09:40
European vaccination champion. This is what Denmark is talking about and how it is coping with the current coronavirus crisis. What makes the Danes so successful? What does their government communication look like and why do Danish citizens trust their government? These questions are answered in the Checkpoint podcast by Christian Kvorning Lassen, Deputy Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

TA3: Analyst V. Bartovic on problems with vaccine supplies
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29. 1. 2021 at 09:45
The European Union is concerned about the slowdown in the supply of vaccines. Following Pfizer's announcement of the problem, there has been information that AstraZeneca may not be able to provide the vaccines in the notified quantities. Vladimír Bartovic, director of our EUROPEUM institute, talks about how the European Union will cope with this situation.

TA3: V. Bartovic on the pandemic crisis in 2020
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8. 1. 2021 at 15:00
The director of our institute Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of the TA3 television broadcast in which he commented on the pandemic crisis in 2020.

INVITATION: Law and Covid-19 - second wave, first impressions
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25. 11. 2020 at 14:50
On behalf of the Jean Monnet Center for European Studies of the Institute of International Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, we would like to invite you to the webinar "Law and Covid-19: Second Wave, First Impressions" European legal order. The webinar is organized in cooperation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The meeting will take place ONLINE on Thursday 26 November 2020 from 17:00 to 18:30.

Turkish Heritage Organization: Discussing the NATO alliance and the future of the post-pandemic world
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28. 5. 2020 at 16:30
Our Danielle Piatkiewicz was interviewed by Turkish Heritage Organization about the NATO alliance and the future of the post-pandemic world.

Seznam Zprávy: European Commission introduced new recovery plan
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28. 5. 2020 at 16:10
Our Vít Havelka for Seznam Zprávy on the European Commission's introduction of the new financial framework, which should help with the economical recovery after the pandemic.

BLOG: Is the COVID-19 pandemic the coup de grace Hungarian democracy?
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23. 4. 2020 at 16:40
Intern Filip Sidó wrote a blog on "Is the COVID-19 pandemic a coup in Hungarian democracy?" in which he discusses the newly declared state of emergency in Hungary, which allows Prime Minister Orbán to rule through decrees that essentially give him unlimited power.