See all articles tagged with elections and discover more interesting topics!
ČRo Plus: Vladimír Bartovic on post-election situation in Greece
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27. 1. 2015 at 15:55
EUROPEUM's director Vladimir Bartovic commented on post-election situation in Greece and its consequences for the eurozone.

Ukraine after elections: Challenges, opportunities and Czech contribution
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6. 11. 2014 at 11:05
The Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM, Association for International Affairs (AMO) and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung will on Thursday November 11 at organize a discussion.

Seminar: How to Understand European Parliament Elections?
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18. 7. 2014 at 16:10
Accept our invitation to seminar which will guide you through the results of EP’s elections.

Conference: National identities in CEE - Reflection of EP election
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28. 5. 2014 at 11:55
Please accept our invitation to an international conference taking place on May 28 from 2pm.

ČRo Plus: Evropean elections
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23. 5. 2014 at 12:30
Vladimír Bartovic comments on the topics of the European election campaign in the EU member-states.

Debate: Elections to European Parliament and campaigning in the Czech Republic: PR or real vision?
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20. 5. 2014 at 13:05
Come debate with political commentators and PR experts about the upcoming elections to the European Parliament.

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2014 - voting advice application
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20. 5. 2014 at 12:35
Try out the voting advice application for the upcoming elections to the European Parliament. The application was created with contribution from the team of EUROPEUM.

Seminar: What are the chances of the eurosceptic parties to get to the European Parliament - will it have influence on the future of the EU?
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5. 5. 2014 at 14:55
Accept our invitation to yet another seminar organized in cooperation with EUROPEUM, this time about eurospecticism.

HN: Volební programy jsou plné přijetí eura. Poslanci europarlamentu to přitom zařídit nemohou
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24. 4. 2014 at 14:50
Ivo Šlosarčík commented on the adoption of the euro being part of many European election manifestos.

Czech European Policy after the Elections – Will There Be Any Change?
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15. 1. 2014 at 23:50
We co-organised a seminar entitled "Czech European Policy after the Elections – Will There Be Any Change?".