electric cars
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Blog | Revolution on the roads: Will we all drive on batteries?
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18. 12. 2024 at 09:42
The blog focuses on the impact of internal combustion engines on transport emissions and the transition to electromobility as a key measure to reduce emissions. The transport sector is the second largest CO2 emitter in the EU, with passenger cars accounting for 60% of emissions. The European Union has decided to end the sale of new vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2035 and is promoting the switch to electromobility as a means to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In the blog, Zuzana Valachová, an intern at EUROPEUM's Prague office, discusses the benefits and challenges of the plan, including its environmental, economic and social impacts, as well as the reactions of the automotive industry and concerns about competitiveness.

e15 | Green Deal will not end after the EU elections. It needs to be brought back down to earth and wrapped in more attractive paper
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7. 6. 2024 at 16:20
This weekend's European Parliament elections will strongly influence the EU agenda for almost the rest of the decade. In particular, the future fate of Green Deal is of great curiosity. After the frenetic green activity of the last five years, the political winds are turning and the appetite for tackling climate change is waning. Filip Křenek, Project Coordinator and Analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, comments on the situation for e15.

Ekonomický deník | Europe's dependence on imports from China is growing
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31. 5. 2024 at 09:00
The essential components needed to grow the modern economy include chips and semiconductors, solar panels and batteries for electric cars. All of these are imported into Europe from Asian countries instead of manufacturing capacity being built here. Viktor Daňek, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, said it is necessary to open a debate on the reform of the common budget and new revenues.

iDNES.cz: China's electric car wave will overwhelm Europe, warns analysis
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29. 9. 2022 at 09:35
The driving force of the electric car market is no longer Europe or the United States, but China. It is now trying to push its production into Europe, but the European current production infrastructure is not capable to face the challenge. While the debate about electric cars is mainly limited to environmental friendliness and price for consumers, the future of global competition is often neglected. This is what our researchers Vít Havelka and Michal Hrubý point out in a new analysis on electromobility. To safeguard its automotive industry, Europe needs to work on improving its battery production capacities, as well as its supply chains for primary raw materials, the experts say.

EKONOM: The sale of electric cars is starting to take off in the bazaars. There are even cheaper than used petrol cars
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13. 5. 2022 at 11:30
Based on the analysis of our researcher Michal Hruby on the supply of used cars, an article was written in Týdeník Ekonom. While new electric cars are becoming more and more expensive, this difference is decreasing significantly for used cars.

INVITATION: Electric cars - a trend for the future or devastation for the automotive industry in Europe?
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14. 10. 2021 at 17:30
As part of the fight against climate change and its effects, EU countries have committed themselves to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In addition to several other measures, the European Commission is also proposing that, from 2035, only non-carbon cars be sold in the EU. Electromobility and its impact on the automotive industry will be another topic of Café Evropa debates.