Middle East
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ČRo Plus | Spanish and Irish recognition of an independent Palestinian state
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9. 5. 2024 at 14:10
Spain and Ireland are working closely together on a joint move towards the recognition of an independent Palestinian state. Recognition is expected to take place on 21 May. They see this move as an expression of support for a two-state solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue for Czech Radio.

Dvacet minut Radiožurnálu | Summit in Brussels: Ukraine needs investment in offensive capabilities
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17. 4. 2024 at 18:20
At Brussels, on April 17th and 18th, an extraordinary summit of European Union took place. Originally it was intended to focus on enhancing the bloc's competitiveness, but the agenda of the meeting shifted towards discussing military support for Ukraine, and the situation in the Middle East. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the Institute of European Policy EUROPEUM provided analysis on the topic for a daily episode of Dvacet minut Radiožurnálu.

INVITATION: Café Evropa: Middle East and the EU – What is our role?
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7. 2. 2020 at 12:35
Come sit with us and discuss a topic that moves the EU. We kindly invite you to a debate titled "Middle East and the EU – What is our role?", which we co-organized in cooperation with the European Commission in the CR and the European Parliament Bureau. The discussion will take place on the 24th of February in Evropksý dům (Jungmannova 24, Praha 1).

INVITATION: Café Evropa in regions - Hradec Králové: The Middle East and the European Union - can we help with calming the tension in the region?
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6. 2. 2020 at 10:10
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy kindly invites you to another Café Evropa in the regions debate, which will take place in Knihovna města Hradce Králové. On Thursday of the 20th February, we shall discuss the topic of the EU and its relationshi with the Middle East and possible ways to help with calming the tension in this region.

The Islamic State: Territorially defeated yet persistent
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14. 11. 2019 at 11:05
The topic of another Eastern Monitor, authored this time by Jonáš Vlk, was the Islamic State which, although territorially defeated, persisted.