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Keeping Europeans Together: Assessing the State of EU Cohesion
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10. 10. 2016 at 11:45
Our Director Vladimír Bartovic contributed as a national researcher to the publication ''Keeping Europeans Together: Assessing the State of EU Cohesion'' published by ECFR. His chapter focuses on the situation of the Czech Republic within the assessment of the state of EU cohesion.

The European Union in the Fog
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18. 4. 2016 at 10:15
The final publication of the Building Bridges Project has now been published, to which our Director Vladimír Bartovic as one of the 28 contributors represented the view of the Czech Republic.

Politico Playbook: our Brussels Monitor publication featured
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1. 4. 2016 at 14:35
The first issue of the Brussels Monitor by Tereza Novotná, which deals with the European External Action Service (EEAS) appointments, was featured within the Politico Playbook as the most popular post on

Prospects of the Visegrad cooperation
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20. 9. 2015 at 14:25
Europeum's director Vladimír Bartovic contributed to a recent publication called "Prospects of the Visegrad cooperation"

Destination: Transparency project - case studies on the anti-corruption in the V4 countries
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1. 7. 2015 at 18:40
Our senior researcher Věra Řiháčková contributed to a publication within the Destination: Transparency project.

European Integration of the Western Balkans - Can the Visegrad Group Countries Serve as Role Models?
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8. 6. 2015 at 17:10
New study edited by The European Movement in Serbia (EMinS) with an input from our fellow researcher Michal Vít.

Enlargement and Citizenship: Looking to the Future - Czech Republic
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8. 6. 2015 at 16:30
Vladimír Bartovic contributed to a project on the relations between enlargement and citizenship in EU member states.

Realizing the Fifth Freedom: On the Road to an Internal Market for Knowledge
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29. 3. 2015 at 11:10
EUROPEUM's research fellow Mitchell Young published new paper "Realizing the Fifth Freedom: On the Road to an Internal Market for Knowledge".

Publication of the year 2014
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7. 1. 2015 at 13:55
A publication by Věra Řiháčková received the award of Publicaton of the year 2014 by PASOS organization.

Opportunities for the organized civil society to influence EU decision-making via national positions
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28. 3. 2014 at 12:00
David Král was one of the authors of an expert analysis called "Opportunities for the organized civil society to influence EU decision-making via national positions".