Vladimír Bartovic
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Český rozhlas: What does the Presidency of the Council of the EU mean and what does it entails?
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16. 10. 2019 at 14:15
In an interview for Czech Radio, our Vladimír Bartovic spoke about the fact that what does the presidency of the Council of the European Union mean and what it entails.

RTVS: Hlasovanie o odchode Spojeného Kráľovstvá z EÚ
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1. 4. 2019 at 13:20
Vladimír Bartovic was speaking in radio RTVS in the broadcoast Z prvej ruky about the current situation in the UK and further scenarios.

INFO.CZ: Podpořte moji dohodu o brexitu a odejdu, nabízí Mayová. Proč hra na obětního beránka nevyjde?
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1. 4. 2019 at 12:45
Vladimír Bartovic was speaking with a redactor about the current brexit situation and further scenarios.

Střepiny TV Nova: Europe under pressure, Schengen in danger
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25. 1. 2016 at 13:55
Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy Vladimír Bartovic comments the future of Schengen in relation to the migration crisis.

ČT24: Refugee crisis and the EU
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18. 9. 2015 at 14:45
Diretor of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy Vladimír Bartovic comments on the refugee quotas in a Czech TV programme Horizont.

ČT24: Juncker's state of the Union address
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9. 9. 2015 at 17:20
Vladimír Bartovic comments on the state of the Union speech for Czech TV.