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EurActiv France: Myšlenka žluté karty k obraně právního státu získává podporu

Náš Martin Michelot byl citován v článku francouzského vydání deníku EurActiv v návaznosti na policy paper o stavu právního státu v zemích V4.
6. dubna 2018

The notion of the rule of law is very difficult to define, and therefore very difficult to apply.

The solution could be that the European Court of Justice could take up the abuse of the rule of law in Poland. This is a real means of pressure that would break the deadlock of Article 7.

[Conditioning the payment of Structural Funds to the respect of the rule of law] is a tempting idea, as Poland is the largest beneficiary of the European Structural Funds. And Hungary is the largest beneficiary in ratio of its gross domestic product, since 3% of its GDP comes from the structural funds.

In practice, the EU is struggling to manage a decline in the rule of law after accession, because the corrective mechanisms are not adapted.

Celý článek je k dispozici (v francouzském jazyce) na stránkách EurActiv France. Publikaci s názvem Visegrad Countries: How can Europe repair breaches of the rule of law? můžete stáhnout zde.


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