Spectator: How will the new EU budget impact Slovakia?

Our Vít Havelka commented for Spectator.sk the impact of the EU budget on Slovakia.

The country will have to prepare for the changes proposed in the new EU budget. Its focus on subsidised areas is part of it. Slovakia will have to learn to manage European money again.

“The current proposal is the golden mean of all member states’ interests,” Vít Havelka told The Slovak Spectator. 

Slovakia will have to learn how to manage the EU funds anew as there is a focus on the programmes where it will have to compete with the rest of Europe, according to Šefčovič.

“The whole philosophy of using European money is changing gradually,” he continued, adding that the focus is on tools that combine public and private investments. “It is necessary for Slovakia to establish an efficient investment platform since it will eventually help us in regards to mobility of more sources.” 

The complete text is available on the websites of Spectator.sk.

#Budget #Slovakia

Vít Havelka
Senior Research Fellow

Expertise: EU institutional relations with member states, europeisation, transformation role of EU

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