Evropa zblízka | The result of the Granada negotiations: Is the enlargement back on EU's agenda?

The result of the informal meeting of heads of EU states in Granada is adoption of the Granada declaration, which also touches the topic of EU's enlargement. Jana Juzová, a senior researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the issue on Evropa zblízka podcast.

"I think that in the reaction to the Ukraine war, there was this huge acknowledgement of the fact that we have to do something with our closest neighbours, and we have to do it now. It was too late yesterday."

You can listen to the full interview here (from about minute 19).

#Expansion #Ukraine

Jana Faktor Juzová
Senior Research Fellow

Expertise: regionalism, Visegrad cooperation, democratization and European integration of the Western Balkan countries, EU enlargement

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