EU MONITOR: The EU invests very little in culture but the results are visible
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15. 1. 2020
The European Commission proposed in May 2018 to continue implementing the Creative Europe programme even more in the next budgetary period 2021-2027. This problematics is the main topic of Karel Barták's latest EU Monitor.

EU MONITOR: MFF Negotiations: What Czechs think of the latest development
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18. 12. 2019
In his monitor, Vít Havelka explored the Czech position regarding the latest development in the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) negotiations.

EU MONITOR: An Arduous Path: Are Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania Ready to Join the Area?
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17. 12. 2019
Žiga Faktor authored an EU Monitor on the prospects of Schengen entrance of the states of Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania.

EU MONITOR: The challenges of the military integration in the EU: an approach to the heterogeneity of weapon system categories
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17. 12. 2019
Adrian Blasquez authored an EU Monitor on the challenges of the military integration in the EU.

EU MONITOR: Three Crucial Moments in European Security in 2019
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17. 12. 2019
Louis Cox-Brusseau published an EU Monitor, in which he focuses on three Crucial Moments in European Security in 2019.

EU MONITOR: The Size of Erasmus+ will determine the EU ambition in education
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10. 12. 2019
Karel Barták published an EU Monitor, in which he focuses on the question if the size of Erasmus+ will determine the EU ambition in education.

EU MONITOR: Sleeping Dragon No Longer: China’s Influence in Central Europe
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6. 12. 2019
Louis Cox-Brusseau published an EU Monitor, in which he focuses on a very sensitive topic – the influence of China in Central Europe. He provides a rather complex picture since he analyses the relations in both economic and political terms.

EU MONITOR: Czech Republic vis-à-vis climate change: critical dilemmas ahead?
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25. 11. 2019
Our Milan Urbaník is the author of our latest EU monitor on the Czech Republic's relation to climate change. Its aim is to explore where the key dilemmas lay and what trade-offs need to be made in terms of climate change.

EU MONITOR: European Security: Four Priorities for 2020-2024
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22. 11. 2019
Our research fellow Louis Cox-Brusseau published an EU Monitor, in which he focused on 4 biggest challenges for the EU in the security area.

EU MONITOR: European Sovereignty in Central Europe Ahead of the Conference on the Future of Europe
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22. 11. 2019
Piotr Maciej Kaczyński authored an EU Monitor on the European Sovereignty in Central Europe Ahead of the Conference on the Future of Europe

EU MONITOR: Securing Europe in Insecure Times: How Military Mobility and Deepened European Integration are Vital to Europe's Security
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21. 11. 2019
Adrian Blazquez authored an EU Monitor on the role of military mobility and deeper integration within the field of European security.

EU MONITOR: Eurozone Reform: A Victim of Political Economy
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21. 11. 2019
Linda Zeilina, in her latest EU Monitor, explores the topic of Eurozone reform from the perspective of political economy.