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Jonáš Syrovátka

Associate Research Fellow
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Jonáš Syrovátka

Associate Research Fellow

Jonáš Syrovátka studied political science at Masaryk University in Brno. In January 2024 he completed his doctoral studies on ideological currents in Russian politics. Between 2016 and 2022, he worked at the Prague Security Studies Institute think tank, where he focused on disinformation, propaganda, and conspiracy theories.

He is an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, he was focusing on the development of activities dedicated to social resilience.

Policy Paper | Resilient Europe: Best Practices from Across the Continent in Building Resilient Societies

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31. 12. 2024
The "Resilient Europe" conference, held in Prague in October 2024, brought together leading experts from across Europe to share their experiences and best practices in dealing with threats such as Russian disinformation, hybrid warfare tactics that seek to destabilize democratic institutions and undermine public trust. This policy paper summarises the main findings of the conference into three main categories: hybrid threats, information manipulation in digital space and strategic communications. These categories encompass the wide range of measures taken by European states and institutions to ensure democratic resilience, and the paper further identifies the most pressing challenges and opportunities for future efforts. Summarised by Jonáš Syrovátka of the EUROPEUM Institute, Veronika Víchová of the Centre for an Informed Society and Nikoleta Nemečkayová of the Association for International Affairs.

TBS NEWS | Behind the Rise of the Far Right: The Shadow of China and Russia?

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10. 6. 2024
The rise of far-right parties in the European Parliament elections has caused concern across the continent. Analysts point to external influences, particularly from China and Russia, as possible causes. Both countries are alleged to have tried to influence the elections through disinformation campaigns. While Europe is facing a rise in populism, possible foreign interference casts a shadow over the ongoing political debate. Jonáš Syrovátka, an analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, comments for the Japanese TV channel TBS NEWS.

TV Nova | Russian Interference in European Elections

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9. 4. 2024
Russia has a significant interest in influencing European elections, which raises awareness in the European Parliament. The issue of Russia's interference will also be addressed in the plenary session. Measures such as restricting visits to the Parliament building or holding events on its premises are being considered. Nevertheless, member states still play a crucial role in foreign and security policy of EU, as commented Jonáš Syrovátka, a researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute, for main evening news broadcast on TV Nova.
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