RECOMMENDATIONS: Czech priorities during the presidency of the Council of the EU 2022
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15. 10. 2020
Summary and recommendations based on the discussion of National Convention on EU Affairs, which took place on 18 September 2020, regarding the priorities of the upcoming Czech presidency in the Council of the EU 2022, are now available. They were prepared by Zuzana Kasáková, Vladimír Bartovic and Vít Havelka from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

National Convention on EU Affairs: Priorities of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU 2022
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17. 9. 2020
The National Convention on EU Affairs will take place on September 18 online. The topic of the round table debate will be priorities of the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU.

National Convention on EU Affairs: Directly managed programs and other instruments within the new Multiannual Financial Framework as an opportunity for Czech in
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20. 11. 2019
The National Convention on EU Affairs will take place on November 22 at the Lichtenštejn Palace. The topic of the round table debate will be directly managed programs and other instruments within the new Multiannual Financial Framework as an opportunity for Czech interests

National Convention on EU Affairs: Priorities of Czechia for the Summit in Sibiu
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19. 3. 2019
On 29th of March, another National Convention on EU Affairs is going to take place in the Liechtenstein Palace. The topic of this round table is "Priorities of Czechia for the Summit in Sibiu". The debaters will be representatives of state administration, education sector, business sphere, and social partners. The professional guarantor of this round table is EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

National Convention on EU Affairs: The potential of EU like-minded coalitions forming after Brexit
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8. 2. 2019
The National Convention on EU Affairs will take place on February 8 Lichtenštejn Palace. The topic of the round table debate will be the potential of EU like-minded coalitions forming after Brexit.

National Convention on EU Affairs: Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU
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22. 11. 2018
The National Convention on EU Affairs took place on November 23 at the Straka Academy. The topic of the round table debate was the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU.

National Convention on EU Affairs: Multi-Annual Financial Framework after 2020
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21. 9. 2018
The National Convention on EU Affairs took place on September 21 in the Lichtenstein Palace. The topic of the round table debate was the Multi-annual Financial Framework after 2020.

National Convention on EU Affairs: Insitutional reforms
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12. 2. 2018
First National Convention of this year will take place on February 16 in Lichtenstein Palace. The topic will be the reformation of the current EU insitutions.

National Convention on EU Affairs: Future form of the Multiannual Financial Framework and the EU Cohesion Policy after 2020
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31. 10. 2017
On 3rd of November a roundtable with the topic of Future form of the Multiannual Financial Framework and the EU Cohesion Policy after 2020 will take place within the National Convention on EU Affairs.

National Convention on EU Affairs: Mid-term revision of the multi-annual financial framework, EU financial planning after 2020 and application of the EAV
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10. 10. 2016
Radomír Špok, Lubor Lacina and Zuzana Kasáková co-authored a policy paper that will serve as background material for the roundtable debate within the National Convention on EU Affairs, which will take place this Friday, October 14.

National Convention on EU Affairs: revision of the multi-annual financial framework and application of the European Added Value principle
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7. 10. 2016
On Friday the 14th of October a roundtable within the National Convention on EU Affairs will take place on the topic of the revision of the multi-annual financial framework and application of the European Added Value principle.

National Convention on the EU: Multi-speed Europe
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16. 6. 2016
Vladimír Bartovic created summary from the National Convention round-table taking place on May 27 which includes recommendations for the future of multi-speed Europe.