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Tatiana Mindeková

Associate Research Fellow
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Tatiana Mindeková

Associate Research Fellow

Tatiana Mindeková was a Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute until spring 2024, focusing on removing barriers to renewable energy deployment in Central-Eastern Europe. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Canterbury Christ Church University and a Master’s degree in Environment, Politics, and Society from University College London. Tatiana is an Analyst for the Modern Energy Association and a Policy Advisor for the Central and Eastern European region at Ember, a think tank dedicated to advancing clean energy policies globally.

ČT24: Disinformation about the ban on cars with internal combustion engines

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17. 4. 2023
Our project manager Tatiana Mindeková commented on the growing misinformation about combustion engines and the Green Deal in the CT24 Newsroom.

iDNES: The EU will turn off your appliances. Lies about the Green Deal have taken over the internet in the Czech Republic

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10. 2. 2023
Our junior researcher Tatiana Mindeková conducted an analysis of the narratives around the Green Deal in the Czech and Slovak information scene. What kind of misinformation about the EU climate policy is being voiced in mainstream and alternative media? Tatiana Mindeková commented on the results of her research for

CEENERGYNEWS | E-mobility, an opportunity for CEE: regional associations sign joint declaration

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21. 10. 2022
An article summarising the conference was published in the framework of the conference E-mobility: the Opportunity for Central Eastern Europe. An important milestone of the conference was the signing of a declaration by the leaders of the Czech Platform for Electromobility, the Polish Alternative Fuels Association and the Slovak Electric Vehicle Association.
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