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Think Visegrad conference - EU Enlargement Forum
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9. 4. 2024
On 10 and 11 April 2024, Prague will host a two-day conference entitled "20 Years of Reuniting Europe's East and West", organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the Think Visegrad platform and the project (Re)uniting the East and West: Reflections on the 2004 EU enlargement (REWEU) supported by the International Visegrad Fund and the European Commission. The programme will also include the second edition of the EU Enlargement Forum.
Empowering Serbian CSOs involved in the decarbonization process through the V4 experience
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2. 12. 2022
The project focuses on strengthening civil society organizations in Serbia towards more successful advocacy and enhanced participation in
policymaking within the area of green transformation with a particular focus on coal phase-out.
Think Tank Forum: EU enlargement
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13. 10. 2022
It is with great pleasure to invite you to participate in the EU Enlargement Think-tank Forum: Rethinking Enlargement in times of Geopolitical Earthquakes organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with other partners between 13th and 14th October 2022 in Prague. Invitation only for in-person participation.
Podcasts by EUROPEUM
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21. 9. 2022
Podcasts by EUROPEUM offer debates and interviews concerning European topics including projects Prague Climate Talks, EU±, and EU-Pacific Talks. You can find a full list of episodes and information on where to listen to the podcast is available in an article.
Talking Europe(um) – podcast about Europe and the EU
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31. 12. 2021
Talking Europe(um) is a podcast which comments on current issues in the European Union. List of episodes, as well as information about where you can listen to the podcast, is in the article.
Czech Interests in the EU
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31. 12. 2021
In May 2020, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, in cooperation with the STEM Institute of Empirical Research (project initiator), the Association for International Affairs (AMO) and Europe in Data portal, launched the Czech Interests in the EU project. It aims to explain to the Czech public how Czechs influence politics in Europe, and to examine whether politicians in Europe really promote Czech interests.