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EU-Pacific Talks | Fostering Work-Life Balance in Diverse Societies

We would like to invite you to the debate called “Fostering Work-Life Balance in Diverse Societies ” in the EU-Pacific Talks series. The debate will take place on Wednesday, April 24 at 13:00 via an online stream on FB.
24. April 2024


  • Renge Jibu, Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Advisor for WAW!
  • Eva Mošpanová, Journalist, Deník N
  • Tomáš Sobotka, Deputy Director, Vienna Institute of Demography
  • Tsukiko Tsukahara, Founder and President of Kaleidist, Co-Representative of G20 EMPOWER Japan

Moderatorka: Rebeka Hengalová, Research Fellow, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy

Link to the Facebook event here.

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