Debate in Brussels | A wind of change? Role of Central Europe and the next EU political cycle

As the dust settles after a hectic period of post-election negotiations, Von der Leyen’s second Commission is faced with serious economic challenges. Recent reports of Draghi and Letta have clearly indicated that the EU is lagging behind other global powers in the areas of growth and competitiveness and this is reflected in the composition of the College as well as within strategic priorities for the next political cycle. Come listen and debate about challenges EU is facing!

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RTVS | EU Enlargement: Initiation of Accession Negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova

The European Union has initiated accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. What does this mean for its inhabitants? How do the accession talks proceed? And what must the countries fulfill? Jana Juzová, a senior researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Slovak RTVS Television.

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Teď naozaj! | EU elections: Disinformation a euroscepticism

What are the trends in the campaigns for the European elections? What disinformation is circulating in the public space about the European Union? What are the reasons for the strong euroscepticism in the Czech Republic? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director in the Institute EUROPEUM answered these and other questions in the Czech-Slovak podcast "Teď naozaj!".

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BLOG | Radio Silence: EU Media Laws in the Hungarian Context

The European Union has passed major legislation to try and secure media freedom and independence in recent years. However, for the state of media pluralism in certain Member States, these efforts have come too late. In the Hungarian context, a pro-ruling party media ecosystem stands well-entrenched in the private and public media sector. Writes our researcher, Henry Barrett, a Fulbright-Schuman Grantee.

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BLOG | A Proposal for Politically-Willing Countries to Resolve Europe’s Rule of Law Crisis

Given the lack of adequate EU responses over rule of law violations, politically-willing European states ought to consider a novel accountability mechanism. It is high time for committed European states to take innovative and decisive action on more than a decade of democratic backsliding sweeping the region and the world. Should European Union Member States concerned about rule of law violations seek a solution outside the EU institutions? Our researcher Henry Barrett, a Fulbright-Schuman Grantee, writes about this topic in his blog.

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BLOG | The Use of Article 7 as a Protection Tool for the Rule of Law and European Values

With Hungary taking over the EU presidency in July 2024, many are questioning the EU's ability to promote its values in its member states. Indeed, the EU is about to hand over its presidency to a state that has been criticised for its actions that threaten the rule of law and is subject to the procedure set out in Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), writes Maxime Painot in his blog.

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iROZHLAS | Segregation of Romani children persists in the Czech Republic

In 2007, the European Court of Human Rights condemned the Czech Republic for discriminating against Romani pupils in their access to education. The Ministry of Education has admitted that this problem continues to this day. Not only is the Czech Republic under scrutiny by the Council of Europe, but it is also at risk of renewed infringement proceedings in the European Union, which could lead to financial sanctions. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue for

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RTVS | The European Parliament strongly condemned Hungary

On Thursday, the European Parliament condemned the Hungarian government's deliberate, continuous and systematic efforts to undermine the fundamental values of the European Union. The resolution, which was supported by 345 MEPs, expresses deep concern at the further erosion of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary. What are the main reasons why the European Parliament has expressed its so far strongest reservations against Hungary? Žiga Faktor, director of our Brussels office and deputy director, commented on RTVS.

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Deník N | Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia to the EU?

Last week, the European Union decided to open accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, while Georgia became a candidate for membership. The countries are embarking on a multi-year journey towards integration, on which many obstacles lie - if only because parts of them are occupied by the Russian Federation. Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented for Deník N on what awaits these countries, and the whole of the EU-27, in connection with this decision in the coming years.

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ČRo Plus | What will change when Donald Tusk becomes Prime Minister?

Donald Tusk is the new Prime Minister of Poland. Our deputy director Viktor Danek answers questions about the relationship with the European Union and the Polish judiciary in the context of the incoming Tusk government.

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