INVITATION | Resilience of civil society and media In the Eastern Partnership: for Democracy and Inclusivness

We invite you to a debate on civil society and media resilience in the Eastern Partnership, that will take place on 15 June 2023 in Brussels. Whether you attend in person or online, you can look forward to discussions divided into two thematic panels and expert perspectives on the state of civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries of the European Union.

During the last decade, the active position of civil society and the growth of international people-to-people contacts have been one of the key factors of quality reforms in all areas in the considered Eastern Partnership countries. However, each of the states is still far from sustainable consolidated democracy and comprehensive inclusiveness.

Panel 1: Role of Civil Society and Media in Turbulent Times: Safeguarding Resilience
Panel 2: Transforming and Protecting the Region: Issues of Democracy and Human Rights on the Agenda

Our experts are preparing a thematic brief assessing the state of play in each of the five EaP states. A special view from Belarusian civil society will be included as a separate opinion on the topic.
Organizers: Ukrainian Prism Europe, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum in partnership with EUROPEUM and Mission of Democratic Belarus in Brussels

#Debate #Brussels

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