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INVITATION: Security in Europe from a Visegrád viewpoint: strengthening fundamentals, but rethinking perspectives?
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30. 11. 2016
In cooperation with Centre for European Policy Studies and European Policy Institutes Network we organise on December 9 an international conference in the framework of the Think Visegrad in Brussels project.
thewonk.eu: Four Reasons Why TTIP May Fail and Why It Will be Europe’s Fault
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21. 11. 2016
Our Tereza Novotná was interviewed for thewonk.eu as author of the report 'Four Reasons Why TTIP May Fail and Why It Will be Europe’s Fault', which was published as part of the LSE IDEAS publication 'New Challenges, New Voices: Next Generation Viewpoints on Transatlantic Relations'.
Euractiv.cz: Three armored musketeers. Who are European Brexit brokers?
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23. 9. 2016
Our Research Fellow Tereza Novotná was quoted in the article "Three armored musketeers. Who are European Brexit brokers?" by Euractiv.
ČT24: The President of the European Commission on the State of the EU
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16. 9. 2016
Tereza Novotná spoke on September the 14th 2016 for the Czech TV, where she commented Jean-Claude Juncker's speech on the state of the European Union.
Czech EU Policy - Priorities and Expectations
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24. 5. 2016
On 23 May, Czech Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels hosted a debate organised by the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM.
A Mixed Bag? Reflections on the Big Bang Enlargement 12 Years On
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22. 4. 2016
Together with the Institute for European Studies at Université libre de Bruxelles we cordially invite you to a book launch and debate introducing Tereza Novotná's new book 'How Germany Unified and the EU Enlarged: Negotiating the Accession through Transplantation and Adaptation'
What did the EU enlargement bring for the Czech Republic and other countries twelve years ago?
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19. 4. 2016
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy would like to invite you to a public discussion introducing Tereza Novotná’s new publication "How Germany Unified and the EU Enlarged: Negotiating the Accession through Transplantation and Adaptation".
Politico Playbook: our Brussels Monitor publication featured
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1. 4. 2016
The first issue of the Brussels Monitor by Tereza Novotná, which deals with the European External Action Service (EEAS) appointments, was featured within the Politico Playbook as the most popular post on TheWonk.eu.
An active and comprehensive Czech European policy - mutual perception of the Czech Republic and the EU
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24. 3. 2016
Please accept our invitation to a panel discussion held on the occasion of the launch of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy's office in Brussels.
Not a Leap but a Step in the Right Direction: Mogherini’s Structural and Personnel Reform of the EU’s Diplomatic Service
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22. 3. 2016
First issue of the Brussels Monitor by Tereza Novotná deals with the European External Action Service (EEAS) appointments.
Federica Mogherini and Her First Year as HRVP
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6. 11. 2015
Policy brief by Tereza Novotná - summarizing and assessing the first year of Federica Mogherini as HRVP.