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Prague Climate Academy

In 2023, the Green Europe Team of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM started a series of debates focused on communicating the topic of green transformation to the Czech public. The aim is to develop public debate and support journalists and civil society in informed discussions about climate change and climate policies. In its first year, the Prague Climate Academy focused on sustainability in transportation (decarbonizing road transport in connection with electromobility and the sustainability of transportation in Prague). In 2024, it continued with the topic of adapting cities to climate change and discussing the impacts of heatwaves on cities. The year 2025 brings the perspective of resilience, with a discussion of current trends in global temperature rise and extreme weather events, including their impacts on urban infrastructure and public health.
1. October 2025

The Prague Climate Academy is organized by the EUROPEUM Institute with the support of the British Embassy in Prague. Since 2023, it has been a discussion platform for journalists, scientists, and civil society in the fields of climate change and sustainability.

PCA draws on the expertise of specialists from various fields, including sociology, communication, public administration, and green technologies, in an effort to provide the much-needed multidimensional approach to climate change issues. It focuses on topics that are particularly difficult to communicate in the Czech Republic, such as sustainable transportation and climate adaptation measures in public spaces.

  • I. Debate: How to Effectively Communicate E-Mobility in the Czech Republic, in cooperation with the British Embassy in Prague (February 22, 2023)
  • II. Debate: Prague Passable or Prague Jammed? Communication on Controversial Topics of Urban Mobility, in cooperation with the British Embassy in Prague (November 8, 2023)
  • III. Debate: Climate in Prague: Public Space Adaptation in Practice and Communication, in cooperation with the British Embassy in Prague (March 7, 2024)
  • IV. Debate: Climate in Prague: The City and Heatwaves, in cooperation with the British Embassy in Prague (June 3, 2024)
  • V. Debate: Temperature Records, Climate, and Resilience: What’s Ahead?, in cooperation with the British Embassy in Prague (March 10, 2025)
  • VI. Debate: Heatwaves and Urban Resilience: Are We Prepared?, in cooperation with the British Embassy in Prague (date to be confirmed)

Recommendations in CZECH from the first workshop are under PDF button

Recommendations in CZECH from the second workshop are under PDF button

Recommendations in CZECH from the third workshop are under PDF button

Recommendations in CZECH from the fourth workshop are under PDF button

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