INVITATION: Debate: / Débat d'idées : "80 years ago, General de Gaulle declared the Munich Agreement null and void"

We would like to invite you to a debate on "80 years ago General de Gaulle declared the Munich Agreement null and void". On 29 September 1942, General de Gaulle declared the Munich Agreement null and void from the outset. It was a powerful gesture and an unappreciated act of resistance. How can we understand his declaration? Why on this day? What were the immediate consequences for relations between the Czechoslovaks and the French? And what, in general, is the legacy of the Munich Agreement in France, in the Czech Republic and at the heart of Franco-Czech relations?

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REPORT: Implications of Brexit for EU Decision Making

The expert discussion titled “Implication of Brexit for EU Decision Making” was organised by the Think Visegrad - V4 Think Tank Platform together with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and took place on 28th November 2019 in Press Club Brussels.

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REPORT: Implications of Brexit for EU Decision Making

Expertní diskuzi týkající se důsledků Brexitu pro decision-making v Evropské unii zorganizovala 28. listopadu 2019 think-tank platforma V4 Think Visegrad ve spolupráci s Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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INVITATION: Implications of Brexit for EU Decision Making

The Think Visegrad Platform and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy cordially invite you to an expert discussion titled: "Implications of Brexit for EU Decision Making"

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POZVÁNKA: Důsledky Brexitu na rozhodování EU

Platforma Think Visegrad a Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM vás srdečně zvou k odborné diskusi nazvané „Důsledky Brexitu na rozhodování EU“

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REPORT: The Prague Spring and the 1968 Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in an international context

The report from the conference ''The Prague Spring and the 1968 Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in an international context,'' which took place on September 24, 2018 in Brussels, is now available.

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Norwegian students on a study visit at EUROPEUM

A group of international students from the University of Oslo visited EUROPEUM on the 20th of October 2016.

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Norští studenti na návštěvě v EUROPEU

Skupina studentů z norské University of Oslo navštívila 20. 10. 2016 EUROPEUM.

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